Friday, October 29, 2010


Dear Comets,

It's been so fun watching you make your keynotes presentation with your partner.  Isn't it stupendous that we learned about elements of stories and how to create a keynote presentation all at the same time!

Now, share with us what you like best about making a keynotes presentation.

Mrs. Nguyen


  1. nicholas .s 23 and mason g. 12October 29, 2010 at 11:13 AM

    hi mrs ngueyn we liked doing the key note and what you taught us thank you mrs ngueyn

  2. My favorite part of Keynote is making all the specal effects and looking at what we do .

  3. Some of the writing stratiges were using schema, small episodes turn to big meanings, and descriptive words. I love keynotes!

  4. hi it is me mason i liked making the effect and the word font to thank you for doing the key note

  5. Mia d. #9 and Bryan B. #4October 29, 2010 at 11:16 AM

    WE love key note because of the special efects and also the learning, plus THE FUN!

  6. The best part that I like is when we get to do the efes part of the slide show.

  7. Kamryn, you spell special like this.

  8. The keynotes was SOOOOOOOOO fun. It wouldn't have been as fun with out my partner Haley. It was very fun when we made the effects for the words and the pictures. It was the best thing I've done so far!!

  9. 2 things i like is you get to make i get to make slides. Also you get to make small movies.

  10. Doing keynotes is super fun because doing the effects is a lot of fun . I love being the fast typer. Allie is super at keynotes. I LOVE DOING KEYNOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. What I like about it is chaing the words,pictures, and makeing the slide show.I love making slide shows !!!!!!!!

  12. I LOVE KEYNOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. hi mrs nguyen i liked doing the key note because i liked the effect and font like mason i liked it thank you mrs nguyen.

  14. My favorite part is when I got to do the changing the words and the picture.

  15. My favorite thing today is that we did keynotes and talk about something thank you Mrs.Nguyen

  16. KEYNOTE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I like keynote because it has al lot special effects.

  18. I like doing keynote because it's really fun to do keynotes with my partner Manahil. It's fun because you get to be a fast typer or a keynote person.

  19. claire i know that i spelled special wrong i was just doing it so fast.

  20. 3 things I like about keynote is that we can do really cool effects. Also we can write stories. you can also do slide shows. I like all of your comments!!!

  21. I LIKE KEYNOTE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. My favorite part about keynote is when I get to try the action the words and pictures can make.I LOVE keynote!

  23. I thought it was so fun! Working with Ayra is FANTASTIC!!! She is so funny! Working with a partner is a blast!!!

  24. What I like about keynote is you get to edit it with words or make them jump off the page. Also you get to see them shimer.

  25. KEYNOTE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. I like keynotes because of the effects. Plus my partner In-Hye is a great typer.

  27. i thought keynote is stupindes. the words build in and build out in keynote were amazing.I bet every persons keynote is awesome.I also can't wait to see amazing summrarys. can you wait?

  28. 4 things I like about keynote is the special effects. I also like the editing. Puting pictures are also very georges. You can also record your voice in, how cool is that?Well, I totally think keynote is great!<3

  29. Starr, Ilike how you used very georoges COLLAGE words! Haly, I agree with you, In-Hye is a great typer. Do you think I am? Lauren, I think that when you do slide shows it's VERY fun! It's very fun especially on Macbooks! Jacob, I surely find that keynote is amazing and agree that you're on the right track for doing comments! Allie, totally right that if you're the keynote expert, it's very fun! Also if you're typer, the keynote expert will like how you type fast!!!:)<3
