Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dividing is Sharing

Dear Comets,

I was at a meeting last week and a teacher shared with me a question she asked her third graders.  I  LOVED it because it goes nicely with what we are working on in math.  I am interested in hearing how you answer this same question.  So, here it is!

Knowing that dividing is sharing, what would you do if you and three other friends found a $5 bill?  How would you share it among yourself equally?  Be CREATIVE!!!

Mrs. Nguyen

Monday, January 10, 2011

Non-Fiction Features

Dear Comets,

We have been learning so much in this Non-Fiction units.  One of the important things we learn is that Good Readers use the Non-Fiction features to learn new information.

As you are reading the non-fiction texts on a planet or an animal of your choice, please share with us an interesting fact.  Let us know how you learn that information!  Visual or Text feature?  What type of Visual or what type of Text feature?

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Nguyen

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Dearest Comets,

As you know, we are moving onto non-fiction.  Not only will we learn the different features of non-fiction texts and how to effectively read them, we will also be writing our own non-fiction writing piece.

This week, I would like for you to think of a topic that you would be interested in researching and becoming experts in.  I will guide you through the process of researching and collecting information.

But first, you need to select a topic.  Please choose a planet or an animal that you would like to write a report about and tell us why!

Looking Forward,
Mrs. Nguyen